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Chiropractic & Trigger Point Therapy Care

Wellness Plans
Five Block (5) Visits $175.00 ($50 Savings)
Ten Block (10) Visits $300.00 ($150 Savings)
Twenty Block (20) Visits $500.00 ($400 Savings)
Regular Cost of a Visit: $45.00
Q: Who is eligible?
A: Any cash patient or those who choose NOT to use their insurance coverage.
Q: How does this work?
A: By offering a "Block of Visits" we are able to legally reduce the cost of each visit.
Important information
The following conditions apply to purchasing and/or using "Block Visits."
- The full amount is due at the time of purchase and sign up.
- There is no time limit on the visits and no expiration date.
- "Block Visits" may NOT be split among family members and /or friends.
- There are No REFUNDS for any unused visits (certain exceptions apply).
- Block visits DO NOT cover the cost of initial and follow-up examinations.

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